1.When Chairman Mao was asked what he thought of the French Revolution, he said it was too early to say.
2.The result was the collapse known as the French Revolution, which ushered in a terrifyingly more efficient version of the French state.
3.To avoid wasting the precious time talking about French Revolution or Cultural Revolution, desultorily I tried to chat with him in French.
4.Tale of Two cities is Dickens' tale of London and Paris leading up to, and during, the dramatic upheavals of the French Revolution.
5.She's saying how during the French Revolution, a mob set fire to her house, and her mother died. . . saving her.
6.It was essentially an attempt to explain change in history during the period of revolutionary upheaval around the French revolution.
7.Napoleon was the very personification of the bourgeoisie and he brought down European feudalism with the artillery of the French Revolution.
8.When Chou En-Lai was asked about the long-term impact of the French revolution, he famously replied: "It's too soon to tell. "
9.He explored the economic and social conditions of the period , trying to find the real causes of the French Revolution.
10.The manuscript was sent to the printer in London a few weeks before the French revolution.